Friday, 8 February 2013

Griffin Stitch– a Sampler

 Here z my Griffin…
bfore that the pattern and stitch courtesy Needlenthread, the embroider's encyclopedia !


what an excellent photographic skill……hi hi hi lol…. iam just trying Mary Corbet’s
hmmmm way to go…..Smile


the stitches involved are stem stitch for border, then griffin and to enhance the beauty french knots.
This is the final output, there are flips and flops, it should be there na, anyway it z the first sampler……I really enjoyed working this wonderful stitch….. itz easy and really less time consuming, try yourself..and of course share with us….

phase 1
phase 2

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Learning Griffin Stitch - Phase 2

a little progress from phase 1….
at first sight it gives a complicated image, but believe me it is not complicated, before starting up with needle and thread do some work with pencil and scale, draw the cells…. then take needle and thread, its really easy…..
Find the detailed tutorial of this stitch in Mary Corbet’s Needlenthread.
ll be back soon with finished work…

finished pattern here

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Learning Griffin Stitch–Phase 1

Hooohooo Iam back………. I was not much active with new posts for a while, but that doesn’t mean I was away from this wonderful blogland. I am a regular visitor at all my favorite blogs, (u know tat na….my comments were always there in all ur new posts..hi hi hi ), and that visits leads to this post. I just want to show u a beautiful stitch called Griffin Stitch. Griffin stitch simply satisfies all my stitch preferences, I always love working with different colors of thread, I love big patterns (its tooo tedious to fill big patterns, so I stick to smaller ones), and the most important is it gives a different unique look to our work…..
I have started working a pattern, not yet completed, here z the work in progress,
The other one….
I ll update the progress…..
Love to hear from u….. and eager to see ur experiments with Griffin…..Smile

next phase
Finished pattern.