Friday, 8 February 2013

Griffin Stitch– a Sampler

 Here z my Griffin…
bfore that the pattern and stitch courtesy Needlenthread, the embroider's encyclopedia !


what an excellent photographic skill……hi hi hi lol…. iam just trying Mary Corbet’s
hmmmm way to go…..Smile


the stitches involved are stem stitch for border, then griffin and to enhance the beauty french knots.
This is the final output, there are flips and flops, it should be there na, anyway it z the first sampler……I really enjoyed working this wonderful stitch….. itz easy and really less time consuming, try yourself..and of course share with us….

phase 1
phase 2


Preeti said...

Wow! that looks stunning Raji :)I also liked the colors you have used. What is the size of this flower?

Ranjana's craft blog said...

Wow...this has come out really nice...

Isabelle said...

it is colorful and lovely. what a nice idea to make knot with different colors.

Anita said...

Welcome back Raji. Beautiful and vibrant sampler!

deeps said...

thats pretty work

deeps said...

time for another work piece :P

viji said...

The outcome is really colourful and nice.

Midala said...

Preciosooooo que bonitoooo!!!Vaya artista!Yo me estoy planteando volver a ganchillar...como cuándo las monjitas nos mandaban hacerlo en clase...pero no recuerdo como se hace...una pena...quería hacer una colcha pequeñitaaa para mi perro :):) empezar por algo...pero no recuerdo nadaaa jajajajjaja una pena. Un abrazooo .Voy a mirar tu blog enteroooooo :):)

Mahi said...


JennyPennyPoppy said...

Beautifully stitched and the colours are wonderful!

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I value ur words, it definitely makes me motivated..., thank you !